SEDEC 2020 was held on digital platforms on 15-17 September 2020. The opening ceremony held on September 15. It was broadcast live on SEDEC and TURKSAT YouTube channels, as well as on TURKSAT Satellite channels, watched by 2500 people from approximately 35 countries, and a total of 700 B2B/B2G meetings were held between 254 companies and institutions from 24 countries. Supporting the event, T.C. Presidency of Defense Industries, and Defense and Aviation Industry Exporters' Association, as well as T.C. Ministry of Commerce, KOSGEB, Ankara Chamber of Commerce, Teknopark Ankara, İvedik Organize Industrial Zone, T.C. Ministry of Defense, T.C. Ministry of Interior, Land, Naval and Air Force Commands, General Directorate of Security, Coast Guard Command, Security and Emergency Coordination Center (GAMER), AFAD, ASFAT, ASELSAN, TUSAŞ, SS-TEK, Türksat, TRTEST, STM, BITES and XperMeet, SAHA Istanbul, SaSad, Tuyad, World Brands Association, Konya Chamber of Industry, Mevlana Development Agency, Marmara OSB, Adana Chamber of Industry, Digital Life, Industrial Journalists Association, all our press sponsors, finally our heroic industrialists, foreign big companies of our sector, We would like to thank the law enforcement officers and foreign sector companies in friendly and brotherly countries. Finally, we would like to thank our domestic and foreign press sponsors for conveying all our news to you. Be in safe and secure.
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